Robur the Conqueror

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Robur the Conqueror Customer Reviews

  • 3.0 out of 5 stars from Ken -- Shows remarkable knowledge of the state of flight as it existed then : Published in 1886, Robur the Conqueror tells of a competition between advocates of lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons) and advocates of heavier-than-air aircraft. Robur the Conquerer has developed the latter, and intends to show that it's much more practical than balloons. His aircraft first appears as an unexplained phenomena over several cities. When he finally goes public with his assertion, he's at first ridiculed, but then he abducts the two most influential advocates of lighter-than-air craft and takes them for a ride around the world in his aircraft, named the Albatross, to show them how much more practical his version is. ( Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2016 )
  • 3.0 out of 5 stars from Amazon Customer -- A Disappointment : I had really hoped this would be a story of adventure and excitement. Unfortunately it turned out to be a travelogue. More interested in geography than adventure. Not as good as other Verne works. ( Reviewed in the United States on July 17, 2020 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Graham M. Smith -- Jules Verne strikes again. : I am still reading this but far along enough to know it is very good. If you look at the device in the story you can see he predicted the drone (the small one with the vertical propellers). Also a good story. ( Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2017 )
  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from David SwanTop Contributor: Batman -- The Aeronef beats the Aerostat : As is often the case with Jules Verne he has not really written a story but more of a thin narrative written around his thoughts on science and geography. In this case the book is concerned with the direction of air travel technology. Verne accurately anticipated that balloon travel was a dead end and created the character of Robur to mock those who would advance aerostat travel as a viable means of air transportation. After forcefully interrupting a meeting of the Weldon Institute where they were discussing their latest project, a massive balloon called the ‘Go-Ahead’, Robur proceeds to insult the very idea of continuing with balloon technology. So insulted are the members of the Weldon Institute that they literally try to kill Robur who is forced to flee. Later, when the Weldon Institute president (Uncle Prudent) and secretary (Phil Evens) are out searching for Robur they are themselves captured and taken on a flight around the world in Robur’s “Albatros”. ( Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2014 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from toth -- Great product thank you : Great product thank you ( Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2019 )
  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from J. L. Greer -- Robur the angry? : Jules Verne uses his incredible knowledge of the earth to write a fanciful and dark story about Robur the Conqueror. From his initial appearance and sightings, to his kidnapping of key players in the book, Jules leads us on a fanciful journey, capturing mile after mile accurately and considering the date of publish, more than 90% of the readers would ever see. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2011 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from William Jergensen -- Glad it's back!!! : This is a lesser known book by Verne. Read this then the sequel "Master of the World: ( Reviewed in the United States on December 19, 2014 )
  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from An Amazon Customer -- Poor Robur : A free Kindle book! So that's one star for starters. Readable enough, although JV's habit of going into rather too much technical detail before getting on with the action is as evident as ever. Poor Robur, he gets ripped at the society for daring to challenge their views, then when he 'gently' kidnaps Uncle Prudent et al and treats them to a fantastic voyage around the world, (in some comfort it seems), they fail to appreciate it! ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 23, 2018 )
  • 3.0 out of 5 stars from Mark K Jackaman -- An ok read but some of Jules' later works are much better. : I thought this was an ok read, although not one of Jules' best. I think he used this story to better develop his ideas and style for some of his other, more popular novels. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 7, 2017 )
  • 3.0 out of 5 stars from Robin P. -- Master of the world... : Very much of it's time (particularly in attitudes to race) but surprisingly humourous and fast paced. The image of the Albatross with her dozens of lifting rotors is a Victorian SF icon. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2012 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Mariangela Castelli -- Roube the Conqueror : Além de ler em inglês , ler Júlio Verne é certeza de muita aventura e viagens sem sair de casa. Me peguei abrindo o Atlas Geofrafico e pesquisando sobre os lugares e as rodas que Verne traçou para escrever essa obra. Leiam! ( Reviewed in Brazil on July 17, 2020 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from HP -- Lesser known classic of Jules Verne : This is one of the relatively lesser known novels of Jules Verne, but is a good look at what was expected in aviation during the 1880s. Also read the sequel "Master of the World". ( Reviewed in India on December 23, 2018 )

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Robur El Conquistador - Wikipedia Robur The Conqueror En Apple Books Robur El Conquistador: Verne, Jules: 9781481888004: Amazon ... Robur El Conquistador: Verne, Jules: 9781404328136: Amazon ... Robur The Conqueror (Extraordinary Voyages, # 29) De Jules ... Robur The Conqueror By Jules Verne - Free Ebook Jean Robur | League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Wiki | Fandom Robur The Conqueror By Jules Verne - Full Text Free Book ... Nemo Rising: Robur The Conqueror | Board Game | Boardgamegeek Robur - Wikipedia Robur the Conqueror (francés: Robur -le-Conquérant) es una novela de ciencia ficción de Julio Verne, publicada en 1886, también conocida como El clipper de las nubes, y tiene una secuela, Master of the World, publicada en 1904. Cuando se le pregunta si el propio Robur ha "conquistado el aire", afirma que sí, lo que lo lleva a aceptar el título de " Robur el Conquistador ". Durante su breve tiempo en el Instituto Weldon, Robur incita tanto a los miembros, que lo persiguen afuera. Justo cuando están a punto de atacarlo, Robur parece desaparecer entre la mafia, pero en realidad ha estado ... Robur the Conqueror se publicó en 1886, casi dos décadas antes de la huida de los hermanos Wright, por lo que la verdadera dirección del viaje aéreo aún estaba * ejem * en el aire. Las similitudes entre este libro y "20.000 leguas de viaje submarino" son inconfundibles, ambas con un inventor que crea un vehículo con décadas de anticipación a su tiempo. Robur the Conqueror, also known as The Clipper of the Clouds is a science fiction from Jules Verne written in 1886 along the similar lines of his masterpiece Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.While 'Twenty thousand leagues under the sea' with its enigmatic Captain Nemo and his underwater exploits in Nautilus was an enthralling and exciting reading experience Robur the Conqueror was a ... Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. Jean Robur aka the Master of Aira (Master of the Air), or better known as Robur the Conqueror or the Master of the World, is the captain of the airship Albatross who proclaimed the "powered flight" debate against the members of the Weldon Institute who supported the unpowered, lighter-than-air flight. He proved his position by inventing a very advanced "flying machine". He has a hidden ... Robur the Conqueror! And this is what was done. The note was short, but it told all, and it gave the address of the Weldon Institute, with a request that it might he forwarded. Then Uncle Prudent folded up the note, shut it in the box, bound the box round with a piece of worsted so as to keep it from opening it as it fell. Nemo Rising: Robur the Conqueror is a co-operative board game that follows the new adventures of Captain Nemo and the crew of the Nautilus, as reintroduced by C. Courtney Joyner in his novel, Nemo Rising. The game allows 1-4 players to assume the roles of the protagonists of the series — Captain Nemo, Sara Duncan, Adam Fulmer, or Ulysses S. Grant — as they explore new worlds, overcome ... Robur en latín significa "madera dura" o "roble" y, por extensión metafórica, "fuerza". Puede referirse a: Robur the Conqueror , una novela de 1886 de Julio Verne, también conocida como The Clipper of the Clouds. Master of the World (novela), la secuela de Verne, protagonizada por el mismo personaje Robur (camión), una marca de camiones de Alemania Oriental Robur Group, un fabricante italiano de calefacción y refrigeración Robur The Conqueror (Robur-Le-Conquérant In The Original French), Also Known As The Clipper Of The Clouds Or A Trip Round The World In A Flying Machine, Is A  Robur The Conqueror, Also Known As The Clipper Of The Clouds Is A Science Fiction From Jules Verne Written In 1886 Along The Similar Lines Of His Masterpiece  Rating: 3.5 1,670 Votes Jean Robur Aka The Master Of Aira (Master Of The Air), Or Better Known As Robur The Conqueror Or The Master Of The World, Is The Captain Of The Airship Literature / Robur the Conqueror Robur the Conqueror Jean Robur | League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Wiki robur the conqueror pdf robur the conqueror movie master of the world meaning master of the world extraordinary trips master of the world albatross model

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